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One of the most important and inevitable obstacles any company faces multiple times throughout its life cycle is the need for change. Organizational transformation requires empowerment and participation at all levels. I have been writing a series of articles on leading culture-enabled organizational transformation. Much of my philosophies on this subject are derived from learnings on the battlefield as a Navy SEAL, and in the boardroom as an entrepreneur. There are three phases to my transformation model, each with several components: building the change culture, preparing for the change battle and winning the change fight.
As long as the battlefield commander's intent (change vision) is clearly and regularly articulated, more autonomy can be given to responsible frontline leaders. With the proper "lane markers" they can and should be allowed to innovate within the given structure. Will mistakes be made? Sure. But true autonomy can't really exit within a command-and-control leadership mechanism.
THE FARMER: DECEMBER 29, 191113Tth sSi T(Continued.) .rw'tiere the grou ;.-c uisber "for Msfloor a row of fox tire that would soonbe open.To the left he had discovered a queernatural arrangement of the trees tnatgrew to giant size and were set in agradually space so that along, open vista stretched away untillost in the dim recesses, of the swamp.'A little trimming back of underhusnrolling out of dead logs, leveling offloor and carpeting of moss, made iteasy to understand why Freckles hadnamed this the "cathedral," yet be badnever been taught that "the grovesWere God's first temples."Ou either side of the trees that contituted the first arch of this dim vistaof the swamp he planted ferns thatgrew waist high this early in the seaeon, and so skillfully bad the workbeen done that not a frond droopedbecause of the change. Opposite becleared a space and made a flowerbed.Every day saw the addition of newspecimens. , . v ,On the line side he left the bushesthick for concealment and entered bya narrow path he and Duncan hadcleared In setting up the case. Hecalled, this the front door, though heused every precaution to hide it. Bebuilt rustic seats between several ofthe trees, leveled the floor and thicklycarpeted it with rank, heavy woolly dogmoss. About the case be planted wildclematis, bittersweet and wild grapt;-vines and trained them over it untilIt was almost covered.This morning Freckles walkedstraight to his case, unlocked It andset his apparatus and dinner inside.Be took out the birdbook. turned tothe section beaded "V." Past "veery"and "vireo" be went, on down the lineuntil his finger, trembling with, eagerness, stopped at "vulture." .. .."Great black Calif orniax vulturehe read."Humph! This side the Rockies willfe for us."" 'Common turkey buzzard.v "Well, we ain't bunting common turkeys. McLean said chickens andwhat he says goes.""Black vulture of the south.""Herewe are arrived at once." .'.. Freckles' finger followed the line,and he read scraps aloud." Common in the south. Sometimescalled Jim Crow. Nearest equivalentto C-a-t-n a r-t-e-s A-t-r-a-t-a. "i ' the Pharaoh's chickens qf European species.' Sometimes stray northas far as Virginia and Kentucky ""And sometimes farther," Interpolated Freckles, "cos I got them rightbere in Indiana sofike these pictures 1can just see me big chicken bobbingup to get bis ears boxed. Hey?"'Light blue eggs' "-"Goliy. 1 got to be seeing them!"big as a common turkey's, butshaped like a hen's, beavlly splotchedwith chocolate'-caramels, i suppose. Anain hollow logs or stumps.Oh. .bagginy!,. Wasn't 1 barking upthe wrong tree t bough? Ought to beenlooking near the ground all this time.Now It's alT to do over, and 1 suspectthe sooner 1 start the sooner l'U belikely to find them.Freckles ate and drank his last dropof water. - He sat resting a little andwatching the sky to see If bis bigchicken was banging up there. Butbe came to the earth abruptly, forthere were steps coming down thetrail that were neither McLean s norDuncan's, and there never bad beenothers. Freckles' heart leaped hotly.Be ran a quick band over his belt tofeel if his revolver and batcbet weretbere. caught up bis cudgel and laidIt across bis knees, then sat quietlyWaltlug. Was it Black .lark, or someone even worse? Forced to do something to brace bis nerves, he puckeredbis stiffening lips and began whistlingi tune be bad led in bis clear tenorevery year of bis life at the borneChristmas exercises. .His quick Irish wit roused to theridiculousness of It and be burst intoYour Liveris Clogged upThat's i Why You're Tired OutofSorta Have No Appetite.CARTER'LIVER PILLSwill put youCastersin a few day.They dotheir duty.CuteITYLEIVEhiPILLS.Constipa.'boa, Bu-bstaess, Indigcttioa, sad Sick Headache.SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE, swu rGcnulnoFfJLOew-v1 ItefeCOPYRIGHT, 1904. BY DOUBLEDAY. PAG!& CO.a laugh th;:i steadied him amazingly.Through the bushes be caughtslirapse of the oncoming figure.tieart flooded with joy. for it wasnan from the gang. Wessner bar.ieen his bunk mate the night he camtown the corduroy. This was no timier thief. Freckles sprang- up anailed cheerily, a warm welcome on hi;ice."Well, it's good telling if you're glaro see me." said Wessner. "We beejia"ing down at the camp you wero mighty touchy you didn't allowuan wlibin a rod of the line.""So more do I." answered Freckles"if he's a stranger, but you're fromMcLean.. ain't you?"'Oh. curse McLean!" said Wessner.Freckles gripped the cudgel."And are you railly saying so? heInquired with elaborate politeness."Yes. 1 am." said Wessner. "Sowould every other man of the gang ifthey wasn't too big cowards to sayanything unless maybe that other slobbering old Scotchman Duncan. Grinding the lives out of us! Working uslike dogs and paying us starvation'wages, while he rolls up his millionsand lives like a prince!"Green lights began to play throughthe gray of Freckles eyes.Wessner." he said Impressively,you'd make a tine pattern for the father of liars! Every man on thatgang Is strong and hilthy. paid all beearns and treated with the courtesy ofa gentleman. As for the boss livinglike a prince, be shares fare with youevery day of your lives.'Wessner was not a born diplomat,but be saw be was on the wrong tack,and he fried another.-Freckles, old fellow. he said. "ifyon let me give you a poiuter I canput you on to making a cool five hundred without stepping out of yourtracks." fFreckles drew back.You needn't be afraid of speakingtap,' he said. "There Isn't a soul inthe Limberlost save the birds and thebeasts unless some of your sort's comealong and's crowding the privileges ofthe legal tiniuts."Noue of my friends along. saidWessner. "Nobody knew 1 came butBlack J 1 mean a friend of mine. Ifyou want to, bear sense and act withreason he can see you later, but it ain'tnecessary. We can make all the plansneeded. The trick's so dead small andeasy."Must be if you have the engineeringfrlt.rsaidrFrecE1es.-'"'But" he beardwith a sigh of relief that ; they-werealone.. Wessner was impervious: "You justbet It is! Why, only tbtak. Freckles,slavin away at a measly little $30 amonth, and here is a chance to clear$,"i()0 in a day! You surely won't bethe fool to miss it!""And how was you proposing forme to stale it?" . inquired Freckles."Or am I Just to' find It laying In mepath about the line?""That's If Freckles.' blustered theDutchman, "you're just to find it.You needn't know a thing. You namen morning when you will walk up thewest side of the swamp and then turnround and walk back down the sameride again and the money is yours.Couldn't anything be easier than that,could it?""DepJnds entirely on the man. saidFreckles. The Hit of a lark hangingabove the swale beside them was notsweeter than the sweetness of hisvoice. "To some It would seem tocome aisy as breathing, and to somewringin' the last drop of their hearts'blood couldn't force thim! I'm notthe man that goes into a scheme likethat with the blindfold over me eyes,for. you see. it manes to break irnstwith the boss, and I've served himfaithful as I knew. YpuTI have to bemaking the thing very clear to meunderstanding."lts so dead easy," repeated Wessner, "it makes me tired of the simpleness of It. You see. there's a fewtrees in the swamp that's real goldmines. There's three especial. Twoare back In. but one's square on theline. Why. your pottering old Scotchfool of a boss nailed tbe wire to itwith his own bands! He never noticed where the bark had been peelednor saw what it was. If yon will stayon this side of the trail Just one daywe can hnve it cut. loaded and readyto drive out at night. ' Next morningyou can find it. report and be thebusiest man in the search for us. Weknow where to Hi it all safe and easyThen McLean has a net up with acouple of the gang that there can't boa raw stump found in tbe Limberlost."There's plenty of witnesses to swearto It. and 1 know three that will.There's a cool thousand, and this treeis worth all of that raw. Say. it's agold mine. 1 tell you. and just $"ih) otit Is yours. There's no danger onearth to you. for you've got McLeanthjit bamboozled you could sell out thewhole swamp and he'd never mistrustyou. What do you say?"Freckles' soul was satisfied. "Isthat all?" be asked."No. it ain't." said Wessner. "Ityou want to brace up and be a manand go into the thing for keeps yoncan make five times that-ln a weekMy friend knows a dozen others wecould get out in a few days, and allyou'd have to do would te to keep outof sight. Then you could take yourmoney and skip some night and beginlife like a gentleman somewhere else.What do you think about it?"Freckles purred like a kitten." Twould be a rare joke on the boss."he said, "to be staalin from him thevery thing he's trusted me to guardand be getting me wages all winterthrowed In free. And you're makingthe pay awfnl high. Me to be gettingfive hundred for such a simple littlething as that. You're trating me mostroyal indade! It's away beyond allI'd he expecting. SJvinteen cints. wouldbe a big price for that job. It mustbe looked into thorough. Just yon waithere until 1 do a minute's turn in theswamp, and then Vt be eschoning youout to the clearing and giving you theanswer."Freckles lifted tbe overhangingbushes and hurried back to the case.He unslung tbe specimen box and laidIt inside with his hatchet and revolver.He slipped the key in bis pocket andwent back to Wessner."Now for tbe answer." he said."Stand up!"There was Iron in his voice, and hewas commanding like an outraged general. "Anything you want to be taking off?" he questioned.Wessner looked tbe astonishment hefelt. "Why, no. Freckles." be said."Have the goodness to be calling meMr. McLean." snapped Freckles. "I'mafter resarvin' me pet name for theuse of me friends! You may standwith your back to tbe light or be taking any advantage you want.""Why. what do you mean?" spluttered Wessner. ,"I'm maninV said Freckles tersely,to lick a quarter section of h outof you. and may the Holy Vargin stayme before 1 leave you here carrion, foryour carcass would turn tbe stummicksof me chickens!"Down at tbe camp that morningWessner's conduct had been so palpable au excuse to force a dischargethat Duncan moved near McLean andwhispered. "Think of tbe boy, sir!"IMcLean was so troubled that anhour later he mounted Nellie and followed Wessner to bis borne In WildcatHollow, only to find that he bad leftthere a little before, beading for theLimberlosL McLean rode at topspeed. When Mrs. Duncan told himthat a man answering Wessner's description bad gone down the west sideof tbe swanJp near noon be left themare in her charge and followed onfoot. When he heard voices he entered the swamp and silently crept nearJust in time to bear Wessner whine:"But 1 can't fight you. Freckles. 1hain't done nothing to you. I'm awaybigger than you, anil you've only oneband.'CHAPTER VI. 'w03'WESSNER GETS A THRA8HTXG.HE boss crouched among thebushes like a tiger ready tospring, but as Freckles voicereached him be held himselfwith tbe effort of his life to see whatmettle was in tbe boy."Don't yon be wasting of me goodtime in the numbering of me hands."howled Freckles. 'Tbe stringth of mecause will make up for tbe weaknessof me mimbers, and the size of a cowardly thief don't count. You'll thinkall . the wildcats of the Limberlost isturned loose on you whin 1 comeaginst you. and. as for me cause. 1slept with you. Wessner, the night Icome down the corduroy like a dirty,friendless tramp, and the boss was fortaking me up. washing, clothing andfeeding me and giving me a home fulllof love. and tladerness. and a masterto look to. and good, well earned money In tbe bank. He's trusting me bisbearfful. and here comes you, youspotted toad of the big road,' and insults me. as is an honest Irsb gintlemin, by hinting that you concaive I'dbe willing to shut me eyes and boldfast while you rob him of tbe thing1 was set and paid to guard and thenBP AN 13 WENT HIS FTST INTO WKSSXEB'SFACE.act the sneak and liar to him and ruinand etarnally blacken tbe soul of me.You rascal." raved Fre kies. "be fighting before 1 forget the laws of a gintlemin's game and split your dirtyhead with me stick!"WessJuer backed away, mumbling."But 1 don't waut to hurt you. Freckles." "Oh. don't your' raged the boy."Well, you ain't resem"liug me none,for I'm itebin like death to git mefingers in tbe face of you."He danced up and. as Wessnerlunged out In self defense, ducked under bis arm like a bantam andpunched him In the pit of the stomach,so that be doubled up with a groan.Before Wessner could straighten himself Freckles was ou him. fighting likethe wildest fury. The Dutchman dealtthundering blows that sometimeslanded and sent Freckles reeling andsometimes missed, while he wentplunging Into the swale with the impetus of them. Freckles could notstrike with, half Wessner's force, buthe could land three blows to Wessner'sone. It was here that Freckles daysof alert watching on the line, the perpetual swinging of tbe heavy cudgeland the endurance of all weather stoodhim in good stead, for be was as toughas a pine knot and as agile as a pantherHe danced, ducked and dodged. Fortbe first five minutes he endured fearful punishment. . Then Wessner'sbreath commenced to whistle betweenbis teeth when Freckles had only justDr. Lyon -8 -PERFECTcleanses, preserves and beautifies the teeth, prevents toothdecay and imparts purityand fragrance to the breathJSCbegun figlniitg. tie sprang back withshrill laughter."Begolly. and will your honor bewhistling the hornpipe for me to bedancing of?" he cried.Spang went his fist into Wessner'sface, and he was past him into tbeswale."And would you be pleased to tuneup a little livelier?' be gasped andclipped his ear as he sprang back.Wessner lunged at bim in blind fury.Freckles, seeing an opening, forgot thelaws of a gentleman's game and drovethe toe of his heavy wading boot intoWessner's middle 'until he doubled upand feJl heavily. In a flash Freckleswas on bim. For a time McLean couldnot see what was happening. "Go!Go to him now!" be commanded himself. but so intense was his desire tosee the boy win alone that he couldnot stir.At last Freckles sprang up and backed away. "Timer he yelled like afury "Be getting up. Mr. Wessner.and don't be afraid of hurting me. I'lllet you throw in an extra hand andlick you to me complafe satisfaction,all the same. Did you hear me callthe limit? Will you get up and befacing me?"As Wessner struggled to bis feet heresembled a battlefield, for his clothing was in ribbons and his face andbands streaming blood."I 1 guess 1 got enough,' he mumbled. .."Oh. do you?" roared Freckles."Well, this ain't your say. You comeon to me ground. lying about me bossand intimatia' I'd. stale from bis verypockets. Now, will you be standingup and taking your medicine like aman or getting it . poured down thethroat of you like a baby? 1 ain't sotenough. This is only just the beginning with me. Be looking out there!"He sprang against Wessner and senthim rolling. He attacked the unresisting figure and fought him until belay limp and still and Freckles hadno strength left to lift an arm. Thenhe rose and stepped back, gasping forbreath. With his first good Inngfulof air he shouted. "Time!" But thefigure of tVessner lay motionless. -"Freckles watched bim with regardful eye and saw at last that he wascompletely exhausted. He bent overbim and. catching bim by tbe back ofthe neck. Jerked him to his knees.Wessner lifted the face of a vrbppelcur and. fearing further punishment,burst into great shivering sobs, whilethe tears washed tiny rivulets throughthe biood : and njuck. Freckles stepped back, glaring at Wessner. but suddenly. the sco wi.of -anger and the uglydisfiguring red faded from the boy'sface. He dabbed at a cut on bis temple, from which issued a tiny crimsonstream.' and jauntily shook back hisbalr. His face took on the innocentlook of a cherub, and bis voice rivaled that of a brooding dove, butinto hi3 eyes crept a look of diabolicalmischief.fle glanced vaguely about him unfllhe saw his club, seized and twirled itlike a drum major, stuck it upright inthe muck and marched on tiptoe overto Wessner mechanically, as a puppetworked by a string. Bending over.Freckles reached an arm about Wessner's waist and helped him to bis feet."CarefuL now." he cautioned: "becareful. Freddy. There's danger of yonhurting me."Fishing a handkerchief from a backpocket. Freckles tenderly wiped Wessner's eyes and nose."Come. Freddy, me child." he admonisbed Wessner: "it's time littleboys were getting home. I've me workto do and can't be entertaining youany more today. Come back tomorrow if yon ain't through yet and we'llrepate the performance."Again an awful wrenching seizedMeLean. Freckles stepped back asWessner'tottering and reeling like athoroughly drunken man. came towardthe path, looking indeed as If wildcatshad taken their fill of him.The cudgel spun high In air. and,catching it with an expertness acquired by long practice on the line, theboy twirled It a second and. steppingout into tbe trail, followed Wessner.Because Freckles was Irish It was Impossible to do it silently, and presentlybis clear tenor rang out. though therewere bad catches where he was hardpressed for breath:"It was the Dutch! It was the Dutch. 'Do you think u was the Irish taolleredhelp? Not much!It was tbe Dutch. It was the Dutch"Wessner turned and mumbled: "Whatyou following me for? What are yougoing to do with me?"Freckles called the Limberlost to witness. "How's that for tbe ingratitudeof a beast? And me troubling meselfto show bim off me territory with thehonors of war!"Then he changed his tone completelyand added: "Belike if's this, Freddy.You see. the boss might come ridingdown this trail any minute, and tbelitt'e mare's so wbeedlesome that Ifshe'd come on to you in your prisiutstate all of a sudden shed stop thatshort she'd send Mr. McLean out overthe ears of her. No disparagement intinded to tbe slnse of the marei" headded hastily.Wessner belched a fearful oath, andFreckles laughed merrily..(To Ba Continued.)AX ALARM AT JilUIITThat strikes terror to the entirehousehold is the loud, hoarse andmetallic cough of croup. No mistaking it, and fortunate then the luckyparents who keep Foley's Honey andTar Compound on hand. H. W. Casselman, Canton, N. Y., says: "it ;sworth its weight in gold. Our littlechildren are troubled with croup andhoarseness and a!l we give them i3Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. 1always have a bottle of it in thehouse." Li. F. Curtis. 1 3 5No matte what you want try tbefanner Want Column.hUVitMMfc!u! i REtiluUSfjJ wiiSenwuers and Embalmers IIxo. ins btate Kt.,. Bridgeport. Ct.All calls, day or night, answered from office. 3eorge B. llswley. Vino St.. nenr Park Av.: Fdvtnrd If. Wilmot. 85 Clinton A.:,Toln H. Ttevnotd. 2?7- Yef v.Wm, Lieberum & SonEmbalmcrs nnd UndertakerOffice and Residence5 3 1 MAIN S T 11 E E TTelephone ConnectionJohn F. GallagherUndertakers and EmbalmenMargaret L. GallagherThe Ohly Gradtiae and LicensedP K71 FAIRFIELD AV. Tel. tSfROURKE& ROURKEUndertakersand Embalmers1295 MAIN- STIIEET. Tel. tfif3 rnllw Answered Day or NightAUGUST G. BAKERFuneral Director and EmbalinerMortuary Chapel1295 ST I AT FORD AVE. "Telephone ConnectionCa3s Answered. Night or .Day,from OfficeM. J. GANNONFUNERAL DIRECTORAND 1 , E M IS A L M E It1051 Broad St., near Jolin APhone S49S ,Residence, J65l Park 'Ave.Phone 125FOR SALSRU1I.DINO LOT! TOR SALEat Wells Place. Wash-ngton Bridge.Boston Park, on iJotap Ave.. Suundview 'Heights, east., of HotlisterHeights. Morland towards North MalaSt. Low prices, easy terms. 1 for cah. Get busy and provide a home cite for yourself whilethese bargains are In the marker.JAKES FEELEV,? Arcade.PIANOS AND MUSICAL 1NSTKI -,MEATS.PIANO TUNING by factory men. atregular prices. Ask about ouryearly contract plan. Wlssner.Broad and State Sts. R 18 tfUSED PIANOS FOR St I.E. etandam!make, will sell a creat sacritk'efor cash or pait payment down.Address Piano, care of Farmer.? R 17 tf-rRESTAURANTSCOURSE DINNERS 25c. Clean, sanitary, home cooking, delightful,tasty roasts. -; deserts and - pastriesNew Plaza Restaurant, 200 FairfieldAve. O 8 tf .TO RENT FURNISHED ROOMS.FOR LIU III' housekeeping. Running-water. Bath Adarew Reasonable,care of Farmer. R 17 tfPLEASANTLY SITUATED. Awningson three front windows. Use ofporch, centrally located. AddressV. U. C, care of Farmr.R 17 tf.A IJIRUE FRONT ROOM to man orwoman or man and wife. References exchanged. All modern improvements, both connected. Address Room, care of Farmer.R 17 tftf AIL ORDERI MADE $50,000 In Ave years tn insmall order business: begun with 15.fcend for free booklet. Tells bowJcteacov'k. 76a, LockpocL N. Y. .R2 2 t 4 6 6 tfLADIES ATTEMTIOIf Ladles willvoid worry by using our rem""for delayed period, and which is tnonly reliable monthly teroedy forsale Thousands of testimonialwe hav from our patrons to protsit- Positively refus all others, namatter what they claim: trial senttree Paris Chemical Co.. Ml'wau-sr-e.Wis T2 -tfAsic vour GrocerFor Bradbury'sOla -a.5riortaT. B. WARRENRoom 29, Sanford BuildingReal Estate & Insurancelire. Rent, Plate Glass, Bnrglary.Life. Accident, Liability, AutomobileRepresentingSnn Fire Ins. Co.. rounded A.D., I7IO:Provident Life Trust Co., Philadelphia; Aetna Accident & IJability Co.,Hartford. ui tfSIuI1Ij Typewriter ExchangeCor. Main and State Sta Tel. 04:,All malccs for sale. rent, or exchangesupplier mid Itepntrlng.No matter what you wanttry the Farmer Want Column-SB? IvCLASSIFIED-FOR-FARMERWANTEDftEXPERIENCED SALESLADIESInqdlreGOTTLIEB A GORMANI 15 tf S048 Main Street.0SITUATIONS WANTED.VIIAUFFEL'R wants position oltbeiIn or cut of town. Can do ownrepairs. Good references. AddressF. N. T.. care Farmer. R 25 tf.MALE HELP WANTED.WANTED. KespontTle young menwho are able to furnish team ndwagen. to ell on commission tofarmers, the bet l!ne of householdnecessities, for tht oldest, largestand most responsible company ofthe kind tn tbe world. About 2.000aleTnen now working, earning onthe average over 1100 per monthnet clear of all expenses. Netearnings of best men. over $300per month. Two million farmersnow using these thoroughly advertised goods. Established ISCCapital $2 000.000- Address. Tbe JR. Watkins Co.. J 13 Bonth Gaystreet. Baltimore. Ml R15tfEDUCATIONALWANTED. By a young lady, plant- pupils. Terms reasonable. Call orfejdress 149 Gdlden Hill.H 3 t d pDRAFTSMEN. menantcat architectual or structural, are always lademand at good salaries: ten youngmen -wanted to Join club f learndrawlrg. at home evenlnge: Instruments furnished. Address C. 8 K-Ro 22S. ntr. nis tfWBSSSSBSSBBBSWSIiHBMSSMIlWMaMHMBSSMSMSMSSSBSaSkNIGHT SCHOOLUNION BUSINESS COLLEGE. MAINand Congress streets, has ths bestnight school ever conducted in thiscity. It is a great opportunity forthose who cannot attend the dayschool. Office open every evening.Telephone 146. H 14 a 8The University School. CLASS, GROUP, AND PRIVATEINSTRUCTION IN INTERMEDIATEAND ADVANCED SUBJECTS.Office boors,afternoon and evening,830 Fairfield Avenue.R 22 b?Mlt'ELLANKOtJS WANTSAGENTS everywhere can make money, spare time, distributing PostCards advertising our ChewingGum. No canvassing. Liberalterms. Yearly contract. Weekly. settlements. Send, seven two-centstamps for supply Post Cards, Instructions and contract. SpearmintCompany, 1777 Broadway, Department 69, New York.WANTED HoMfiMffii i try "infusoria Cream." tb finest and bestlUer polish -known. -jnranteJ. barf I ess. Ask your dealer for It"4r ANTED Cottage. furnlhe.Walnut Beach or Laurel Reachfrom. July 18th. . Smalt family: Addres. stating terms and loM1nVacation, ear of Farmer. Pt tt1 FURNISHED ROOMSTO KEN!FOR RENT One store and rnu178 Main St HI tfHouseHSnear Washington Park.BARTRAM & GREENEFlat 744 Wood Ave: $16One-half house 36 ClintonAvenue ...$18Particulars atuUDEnSON & GO.952 MAIN STEETSTEAMBOATSBridgeport LineTo Keu YorkFARE W CENTSSteamer NAUGATUCK leavesBridgeport. Pequonnock Dork, foot ofUnion Street, dally, except 12 night. Returning, leavo ,enYork, Pier 27, E. R., dailr, exceptSundays, at 11 a. m.NEW ENGLAND NAVIGATION CO.L. R. Nickerson, Agent, Bridgeport.MERCHANT'S LINEDsfl Dally Except Sunday HILeaves New Turk. Pier 19. EasIliier. S tf. in. Due at llrldgf.r?:0 p.m. Leave Rrldgeori, Joy UnaJ)oik. 2 a. in. Arrive .New York 7 a.m. For further informal ion andrates apply to J. R Shepard. Agent.M. J. MALONEYFOR HOME OR MEDICINAL USESBeer ... .$1.00 a caseW. A. Miles' Ale 81.00 a caseSarsaparilla, Lemon Soda. Scltxer.Vichy, Soda, all kinds or RottledLager, Rartholomay's Rochester Lager86 JONES AVENUE Tel. 2072-3ATEfcSTS MilRIZES for patcnta. Pateou nenred tbrooih ctftdvertiseJ without charge. Kew lisu of to.rations needed and possible buyers. Hinta tttJUTwntors. -Why some larenwn mu. hook o-patents. Send as roagh sketch or mode! for searchat Patent Offlaa no rda and report on patentability.Speelai agents tn MS cities aod town. Mr. QreelrjWbils Acting Commlaalooer of Patents bad fall chargeSC. 8. Patent Offlos. GREJSLET A MelWTTRE,atemt Attoruers, Washin gton. D. C,To-simruFarmer Want Ads lc a wordWANTSREADERSMERCHANT EXCtLUttigQfm 4Xmt9 tsguns, fls&MrUcllt a ft Aporting govdJkINDELIBLE INK. stamping nt&Ulor uiAiKiiii; cumin. iumiM,etc, &ii4AVUit aei, lumbadges, uuu u..ju sutuj of evrcieociivtiou. lrje anwai tAt?Co., 4X Cannon JBt. X 23 4SHOE llEPAUUNG At nodtfsuprices, him a shoes maj voruer. We call and Cslrer, istaphone. Uooayeax ttho iUpairiacCo., 76 John tit. HftLDOOR AND WIXDOVr SCR EXmads to order, old aersons rU'd In all -finds ni o4 a4 ftVafvEstimates urnlabsd- Utnry C.H&man ot Co. Water at. Kit tfMIOW CASES C!rar ctaftland silent aalsamao. stre aadflee flttlnca. Cabinet work a USkinds drsUrosd and mad. HotlmSnow Case Co, III Watar iRU nfREMEMBER tat Hoffman's CeS 4wood Yard cuarajiteea ta erasuitrand weigat of his cosU. Z49 Knmu-toner tl sats. aiiC7AN IKD Nsw roof fc ta-r, vf 44nes to repair Prompt wont clow Azures, Tamers fHrrarj aa4Roofing" Co.. 24 Mfcldle St lphone 1UH. Rit fI BUT OLD nORa tm tilt, Rrmove drad ones fre t fkmrfm anTWhere within 2S mlfvo rf BrMreErtM F. H. Dwalla till UAlmoad. Tel. 1HC Lit fJUNK, and second hand rttel, Tfescnle mny to cat best rrK m4vlekest attention Is by nail t Upft-onrasj Jaeok Br on., the orfftnaiJunk dealers, who eater it prnmfamilies. We tray and sell fJtare In rood condition, rtrpsts sMantiques: also rses. bottles. ffA4sewspapera, aasuraslnea. metal atxScrap Iron. Office atvf shop, tiKossuth St. f tor f 7 Keenvtft 9VAit rfFTTiwrrrRF?. BirDnrFfa trrtrrcxt)nasefnmlshlnm.. eastt ttt tm oaeyterms. Toor credit l . AtTg tmfr1ces and term. The wterllas Tvnltnre Co 1117 Mala Pt. TsL2.152-S. B 11 tf.irnttAfiR or nmtmmrate rooms, eecnrelir roekL fnrnUtnre and china paktnr. ' Turnttnrnnd Pianos remored, tenre nravjaremi isnorm. undtreivfet 8e Warehouse Co.. Iff 7 Usfat or. i nnrrw hi. Tel. ZZSZs,rERaOSfAfcCAR1 READER Advice m aft sffairs, 15c. Mrs. Lery, 74 Mf!Ave., fourth kottaa aoe TtrxAve. L f f tLTTXAXCIAVliXh. ClXk AllU.AL. BAMS..UttvU SHl4ca) asejrtfO'Capital S2iajem' S orpine and Pro Sts. . imjMPrank Miller. FreakScvt.David V. Read, 'ice Vrt atilnnftCharles E. Ilonsrh. Caehter,llciirr li. Tfrrill. A- r-MesvTRE COXSKtmctirr ATIOftBANK. o( Bridgeport, eerver MatiPand Wall Streets. 8. W BaldtrtaPresident; H. tf Shelton. V)ee PrIdent: I B. "owe. Caable; T CCummlnr. Assistant Cashier. Cpttal. fill. Iff; aarpiss aad ProClsse. at om urrit B-wi wmemnce yon money ew yosrr mit von own wnofny bo saTier mwwmuch your property Is mmrirat BrlJrpnrt Realty Co.. kmi1 Of 110. Warner Bldg. HI ttEATLE0AD3mefr YarK9-UKFkAiLRDASOCTOBER 1, 1911 ITrains Leave Bridgeport AsFollows:FOR NEW YORK t2:25L :4f.5:16, 5:43, t6:28, f7;17, f7;44; Tf :2v8:51. 9:05, 10:00, ?11:07 A.12:30, 12:45, 1:16Q. i:S2. 2:JT,2:55. 4:1S, 5:07, 5:27, f:12. frf7:32, 8:13, 9:35, 10:0S P, M. SttDAY S 1 2 : 2 5 Q, '4:41, 5'1. 1:2710:00 A. M.f 12:27, 2:1?, 2;27;4:18, 5:07. 5:27, t6:45, 7:22,8:13. 9:36. 10:01 P- if,FOR WASniXGTOX, Via TTsrVaRiver 12:25 (daily) A. 3L; l:lt p,M.FOR NEW MA VEX 12:2. I;4f.6:48, V:56, 9-3, 10:42. -ll:! A.M. 12.27, 12:32. 1:51, 2:2f, J:l3:41, 4:23, 4:57 i:Zt, 4;49f K:4,7:16, 7:32, 9:42, 11:15 V. 1L SITSDAYS 12:34, 1:AU 1:12. 1:1,10:26, 11:16, 11:32 A. M. 2:2?4:23. 'eO, 6:54, 7:15, f7:32r 11:92,10:2& P. M.FOR nnSTflV. Tie Xew TaitMand Providence 1:41. :4f, 11:,A.M. Z'Z, -:i. r itcrvn x vs 1-41 1:12. tn rdon. 11:33 A. M. 2:2. 4:22, :$If. JVl.FOR BOSTON, Via Ranonf mvrtWillimantlc 9:2l. A, JL 2:21, V,M.FOR WINSTED and IntermrSla4Stations 5:00, 7:00, 9:40, fll;4t AM. 2:33, t5:51, 7:4S P. 11 SCyDAYS 8:30 A. M. :45 P. JLFOR WATERBTCRY, ANSOTIA.DiniBY and Intermediate Station5:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:21 (express 9:411:40 A. M. 2:25, 5:51, 7.4$ P, JCSUNDAYS 8:30, 11:20 A, iL 4:4$,9:00 P. M.FOR OT. BARRrTCTON'. LENOrT,PITTSFirrD, ETC. 7:00, fzS9 A.TC4:23 P. II. SUNDAYS : A.FOR D ANBURY, NEW JITLTORD,inc., via Brookfteld JvmcxUm 7:99:50 A. M. 4:28, C:44 P, iL SU3TDAYS CS: 30 A. ILFOR LITCHFIELD. ETC. 9:51 JL.M. 4:28 P. M-SUNDAYS i;l AmM.Expres? trains. f Local EzprssatQ to Harlem River Station.C via Hawleyville-I tJ? 7tTm 2b1af7f3a8