Essay On College Ka Pehla Din
The college is a Muslim minority college, and in the college I felt more than felt comfortable. The students belonging to the minority communities have a strong presence in the college. Moreover, I found the campus environment to be very comfortable and I am glad to be a part of this college. The college has a total of 21 departments. The college has a very good faculty with a very good infrastructure. The college has a good library with a lot of books and journals. I liked the college library too. The college also has a central library which has all the facilities. The college also has other facilities like central mess, central dining hall, etc. The college also has an amphitheater which has a good auditorium.
I had never visited the college campus till now but I was a bit nervous. However, as I entered the college campus, I felt so out of place with the people who knew the campus. However, I had to face my fear and I was determined to study my academics because this is my dream college. I love the ambiance of the college campus. The campus is beautiful with the huge trees, spacious lawns, and the river Ganga. The construction of the college is fantastic. The college has a very good sports infrastructure. The campus has many sculptures and paintings of great artists. The library at the college is huge and it is well-stocked with a lot of books that are very useful for students.
I am happy to be a part of this college and I can express my gratitude towards the principal of the college, his team, and all the teachers and staff of the college. The principal and all the staff are so friendly and helpful. The teachers are very supportive and friendly.
I have a 10 am breakfast and a 5 pm dinner at the college campus. I am able to enjoy my meals and have a good sleep at the college campus. The college also has a canteen where students can buy good food at a very cheap price.
The college has a computer lab where students can get proper guidance on their assignments. I have a good time in the computer lab. The college also has a study centre where students can get all the help they need.
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."You leave people ... for the
same reason that attracted you in the first place... " … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru
He was looking at her ... saying that ... and i could not really understand the meaning of his words.
All was ... so, so illogical.
How can you leave someone for the same reason ... which actually convinced you ... be with that person.
It all sounded ... as a nonsense.
Or maybe ... meanwhile ... we simple have enough ... of those details we used to like ... so much.
I left ... but i've kept wondering ... what was the message beyond this nonsense?!
And ... i even had the idea ... that he was crazy.
... or she was crazy.
But ... the passing of time ... gave me the answer.
Yes ...
It all became clear .... after analysing the reasons why I've connected and disconnected from certain ... stories.
... especially love stories.
I loved ... the craziness ... and then i run away of it.
I loved ... a certain type of sexuality ... and because of my jealousy and my possessiveness ... i hated all into the end.
I've adored a certain type of mental connection with that person ... but realising that is happening not only with me ... again i've hated it.
So ... the same reason which connected me ... into the end simple disconnected my soul ... from that soul.
... hating the story.
Somehow .... even believing it was really toxic for myself.
And ... still ... I trended to believe that it was ... a huge nonsense.
But maybe ... it is all part of the duality nature of the human being.
So ... everything which attracts us ... into the end ... we simple get bored of it ... or dislike ... or even hate.
With ... or without a logical explanation.
Download the book ”Disconnecting ... seen as an amazing trick for a beautiful life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.
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Getting Started with Trezor
Trezor hardware wallets are physical devices that allow users to manage their digital assets securely. When you receive your Trezor, the first step is to visit, which will guide you through the process of setting up and securing your wallet.
Unboxing and Connecting: Upon receiving your Trezor wallet, carefully unbox it. Inside, you should find the Trezor device, a USB cable, and a recovery seed card. Connect the Trezor wallet to your computer using the USB cable provided.
Accessing the Setup Page: Open your web browser and go to This is where you’ll download the necessary software to manage your cryptocurrency. Depending on your device model, you may need to install either Trezor Bridge or the Trezor Suite software. Trezor Suite is highly recommended for its user-friendly interface and comprehensive functionality.
Installing Trezor Suite: Trezor Suite is a desktop application that allows you to manage your crypto assets in a secure and intuitive environment. Once you download and install it from the page, you’ll be prompted to follow on-screen instructions to complete the setup. The software will assist you with creating a wallet, updating the device firmware if necessary, and initializing the device for first-time use.
Firmware Update: During setup, you might be required to update your device’s firmware. Firmware updates are crucial for ensuring that your Trezor remains secure and that any potential vulnerabilities are patched. This step is automatic and can be done directly through the Trezor Suite application
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