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There are 4 flow types that you can see in FlowJo. They are:
Flow Chart - Shows you how your code flow is for a single task. A single task is when the user clicks a button or button in your app.
Flow Block - Shows you how your code flow is for all the tasks in your app. A task is when a user clicks a button or a task.
Flow Series - Shows you the time it takes for your code to run for a single task. A single task is when a user clicks a button or button in your app.
Flow Series Block - Shows you how your code flow is for all the tasks in your app. A task is when a user clicks a button or a task.
Flowjo is free software that you can use as a tool to get your company to run at 100% efficiency. Flowjo is 100% free, but it will help you analyze the flow of your code. FlowJo allows you to do the following:
Gather time information from your code Analyze code flow Identify areas of slow code Categorize code flow Find the amount of time spent in every part of the code
There are many different ways to analyze flow. FlowJo can analyze your code in 3 ways:
PST (Program Stream Trace) IDT (Interrupt Stream Trace) Self-Recursive
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