Stock Option investment tool are used to find a better option in stock market for a investing in it and make a efficient plan for execute to making a profit from it.
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The best place to invest in spot Ether ETFs is Lightyear.
Check this out.
Interest on uninvested cash
Whether you park your cash for a couple of days, or looking for a bit of passive income for the longer term, your money starts working for you as soon as you make a deposit into your account. Interest is earned daily and paid monthly - we pass on central bank interest rates after a 0.75% fee.
Savings Vaults
Our newest investment product, offering even higher yields than what we do on uninvested cash. Vaults allow you to invest into BlackRock money market funds that follow the current base interest rates of EUR, GBP and USD. Yield is also earned daily and paid monthly - after a 0.25% fee (made up of a 0.10% BlackRock and 0.15% Lightyear fee).
A vast investment universe
LightYear offers over 3,500 stocks, ETFs and even a Gold ETC — we’re constantly adding to our instrument portfolio to make sure you have ample opportunity to explore and invest. And with fractional stocks, you can start as low as €1 / £1 / $1.
An ever-expanding mobile and web app
Whether you prefer the big screen to explore stocks and funds via our screeners, or a candle chart view in our mobile app, we have you covered — and we’re constantly listening to feedback to improve our experience even further! So go ahead and spread the word about the investment platform of tomorrow!
Stock Option investment tool are used to find a better option in stock market for a investing in it and make a efficient plan for execute to making a profit from it.
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If you are a seriuos investor and like soccer you can invest in Football Player Stocks. Learn more!
The best place to invest in spot Ether ETFs is Lightyear.
Check this out.
Interest on uninvested cash
Whether you park your cash for a couple of days, or looking for a bit of passive income for the longer term, your money starts working for you as soon as you make a deposit into your account. Interest is earned daily and paid monthly - we pass on central bank interest rates after a 0.75% fee.
Savings Vaults
Our newest investment product, offering even higher yields than what we do on uninvested cash. Vaults allow you to invest into BlackRock money market funds that follow the current base interest rates of EUR, GBP and USD. Yield is also earned daily and paid monthly - after a 0.25% fee (made up of a 0.10% BlackRock and 0.15% Lightyear fee).
A vast investment universe
LightYear offers over 3,500 stocks, ETFs and even a Gold ETC — we’re constantly adding to our instrument portfolio to make sure you have ample opportunity to explore and invest. And with fractional stocks, you can start as low as €1 / £1 / $1.
An ever-expanding mobile and web app
Whether you prefer the big screen to explore stocks and funds via our screeners, or a candle chart view in our mobile app, we have you covered — and we’re constantly listening to feedback to improve our experience even further! So go ahead and spread the word about the investment platform of tomorrow!