100 Years A Solid FoolAmerican Dad! : Season 17...
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On the crest of the plateau, under the shade of a small grove of trees,is found an odd little building that serves as the entrance to theBellamar Caves. This famous underground resort is quite well known totourists who visit Cuba in the winter season. Visitors are lowered bymeans of an elevator to a depth considerably below the level of the sea,after which guides take the party in charge and lead the way throughseveral miles of interesting underground passages, ornamented withstalactites, stalagmites and other beautiful formations peculiar tothose old time waterways that forced their tortuous channels through thebowels of the earth thousands of years ago.
The deposits of manganese examined in the Santiago district comprise thePonupo Group, the Ysobelita, Botsford, Boston, Pilar, Dolores, Laura,San Andrea, Cauto or Abundancia, Llave and Gloria Mines, together withthe Caridad and Valle prospects. All of these properties except the twoprospects are producing ore. The Ponupo, Ysobelita and Boston mines wereopened many years ago and have produced a large quantity of ore. ThePonupo and Ysobelita are still relatively large producers, though thegrade of ore is not so high as that shipped in the earlier days. ThePonupo mine is connected with the Cuba Railroad at La Maya by a branchtwo miles long, and a narrow gauge track from Cristo, on the CubaRailroad, runs to the Ysobelita mine three miles distant. Extensions ofthis line to the Boston and Pilar mines can be made with littleadditional outlay. The Dolores and Laura mines are near the Guantanamo &Western Railroad, not far from Sabanilla station, and the Cauto mine isadjacent to the Cuba Railroad at Manganeso Station. The other mines arefrom one to eight miles from the railroad, to which the ore is hauledmainly by oxcarts. In the rainy season these roads are impassable, andeven in the dry season they include many difficult places, so that thequantity of the output is much less than could be mined under differentcircumstances.
During recent years hand labor in the fields has been difficult tosecure in Cuba, and since the beginning of the European War the wages ofcane cutters have risen from the usual average of $1.25 to $2.50 andeven as high as $3.00 a day. Cuba has never had a sufficient amount ofresident labor to handle her enormous crops of sugar. Thousands of menare brought to the Island annually, from Spain, the Azores, the CanaryIslands, Venezuela, Panama and the West India Islands. Most of theselaborers return to their homes at the end of the season, as they canlive there in comfort upon the money earned until the next cane-cuttingseason. A machine for cutting cane, to do the work of forty men, hasbeen invented and in 1918 received practical trial, which is said tohave been fairly satisfactory. It is possible that this and other laborsaving machinery will soon be perfected so that the large number offield hands now required may thus be replaced, to some extent, and thecost of cane culture and cutting correspondingly reduced. 59ce067264